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Education, Poses

March 25, 2021

3 Portrait Poses

As mostly a couples photographer, when I first started capturing headshots or seniors I would sometimes draw a complete blank! Thankfully I developed 3 core poses early on that helped me get into the grove and then allow my brain to open up space for creativity to shine through. These simple ‘go-tos’ were, and still are, so helpful. I hope these core poses will help you too, let me know in the comments!

Pose #1

Left arm down, right arm across body holding on at the elbow.

Pose #2

Right arm in the front pocket, thumb out. Left arm relaxed at the side.

*Whenever you have your client pose with their arm by their side always make sure there is a gap between their body and their arm. This tip is flattering for all figures!

Pose # 3

If they are in a dress or skirt have them twirl and spot you!

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